I'm done with a first pass at an import tool for FB archive files for Hubzilla (should also work on Osada - but is yet untested).
Currently imports only photo albums but it's a start.
Images are stored as viewable by "only me" and stored in directories based on the albums used on FB so that permissions can easily be changed as desired after importing them.
Importation is done in the background and parallelized and, if in use, will controllable through the experimental queue worker system.
Will probably initially release it as part of the dm42-hubzilla addons for testing before this weekend. Needs a little UI work, but not much.
The process is pretty simple:
(1) Download FB archive (either the whole thing or just images) in JSON format
(2) Upload the ZIP file to your file space on Hubzilla
(3) Go to the /fbimport endpoint - it will present you with a list of all the .zip files in your file space.
(4) Select your FB archive, click "import". Images will be imported into /FBImport/photoalbums/{album_name}/{image}
In the process - found a couple of minor issues with the pconfig timestamps and the experimental queue worker that need to be addressed. Neither serious - mostly just duplicated work. The worst is a potential refusal to delete a pconfig variable because the timestamp is not in the past (yet). I'll be addressing them in the next few days (on another thread it's noted that the experimental worker queue needs a minor overhaul anyway)
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