Merging branch air into dev soon
In case you don't know what branch air is about: it's an almost complete rewrite of the registration and invitation code by @
Hilmar R with many configuration options to prevent spam registrations and a possibility to ease admin approvals by being able to configure open/close time frames.
I think air is more or less ready for merging into dev:
- The workflow for most configurations has been simplified (much more work to do here but should be fine for dev)
- Security issues resolved (provided passwords have been saved as hex strings)
- Timezones issues has been mostly resolved (not sure yet what to do with emails - at the moment we send UTC date/time which is not very friendly because people will have to calculate)
- Streamlined default settings (needs more testing and probably minor improvements)
I have had my dev hub running this code for some days now with open registrations (with admin approval) and
no email verification (which is not recommended). A one minute registration verification delay and a ten minutes verification time frame has been configured. The result was that non of the bots managed to verify the registration so far...