Hubzilla Development+It's a tough nut to crack, but it's possible to export a #
Godot game to HTML5, then embed the resulting game into a #
Hubzilla addon. Right now I'm experimenting with loading a platformer game demo into the skeleton add-on as a base. I've got the files spread out and structured into a hierarchy, and I hope to get the player to successfully load with these changes. After that's done, I'll be able to put it into a proper view template, and wrap some native interface elements around it.
My hope is that this could provide a method for sharing my games on the web, in something that could be featured as a personal gallery. A pipe dream version of that may be some kind of "Game Library" add-on that can load and store related Godot HTML5 games and display them in a gallery of sorts.
As far as HTML5 games are concerned, there are generally a number of limitations. Keyboard input works well with Godot, but right-click interactions seem to be off the table for now. Games also seem to be affected by load times proportionate to the overall file size, although it seems that this can be handled gracefully when it comes to loading individual scenes (game levels or rooms). I'm curious to test this out with my own projects as their size and complexity scales up.
Another interesting aspect is that Godot can be made to interact with libraries and environments outside of itself. In theory, it may be possible to provide some sort of bridge between Hubzilla's own hooks and the game engine. One simple way to demonstrate this might be for the game to welcome a player by their channel name.